In the near future, mass customization through pre-fabrication and digital optimization will allow for a diversity of user-specified architectural configurations and details that overcome the inefficiencies of remodeling and constructing homes today. It's easy: 1. Select some modules, 2. Select structural framing, 3. Customize your massing, 4. Personalize your room.

The new homeowner and occupant become architectural end-users - buying and replacing entire rooms through mobile apps and services. Users can choose from a growing catalogue of forms and play with them. Don't like your living room or bathroom? Swap 'em out! Domesticity becomes a spontaneous plug-and-play act in which architecture becomes conveniently responsive to user needs and desires. Architecture will move at the speed of the industrial object - coming off the shelf, so to speak.

The Choice Home's charm lies in its humble acquiescence to user preferences, shifting attitudes and changing lifestyles. Architectural form become playful in its spontaneous generation and graphic qualities. It's sophisticated in its varietal playfulness and virtually unlimited programmatic mixtures - creating new kinds of multi/mixed-use spaces while accommodating familiar comforts. Choice Home works anywhere. Its appeal is its capacity to responsively adapt to people and contexts.

Neighborhoods become eclectic collections of custom homes that can more readily accommodate families of a range of income levels. Beautifying the neighborhood becomes a matter of democratic, individual architectural contributions that leverage the incredible diversity, power and efficiency of the innovative markets, products and services that will inevitably emerge.